Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

The Registrant and Spinergy Inc (S) Pte Ltd hereby agree that the following Terms and Conditions form part of Basque in Bilbao 2024 (5 to 9 May 2025) Agreement between the parties. 

  1. Definitions: The meanings of the terms used in these Terms and Conditions are set out below: “Event Organizers” means Spinergy Inc (S) Pte Ltd. The “Event” means Basque in Bilbao to be held in Bilbao from 5 to 9 May 2025. The “Registrant” means the individual agreeing to be bound by the Agreement with respect to their attendance at the Event. Agreement means the agreement, which includes these Terms and Conditions, between the Event Organizer and the Registrant regarding the Registrants attendance at the Event. Claim means any action, suit, claim, proceeding, demand, loss, damages, cost and expense of any nature whatsoever. Loss means any claim, action, damage, loss, liability, cost, charge, expense suffered or incurred, whether direct, indirect or consequential and whether arising in contract, tort (including negligence), statute or otherwise. Terms and Conditions means these terms and conditions, which form part of the Agreement, of which the Event Organizer acts only as an agent for the arranged on-site transportation companies, hotel contractors, tour operators, venue suppliers and other principals. All elements in the programme are subjected to the terms and conditions listed by the operators.
  2. Limitation of Liability and Release: The Event Organizers and their directors, employees, agents and contractors, are not liable to the Registrant for any losses arising from or in any way connected with the Event. 
    • The Registrant releases and forever discharges the Event Organizers and their directors, employees, agents and contractors from all claims which the Registrant may otherwise have for any damage, accident, delay, losses to property (including but not limited to personal property or belongings) or bodily injury or death howsoever caused, including negligence, arising from or in any way connected with the Event. 
    • The Event Organizers reserves the right to withdraw or refuse any Registrant from the Event entirely or partially at any time should the Event Organizers deem there is any conduct that is unbecoming or/and is deemed offensive or/and inappropriate, or for reasons of safety and/or health precautions towards the Registrant and/or the group. 
  3. Indemnity The Registrant: indemnifies and holds harmless the Event Organizers and their directors, employees, agents and contractors, to the extent permitted by law, in respect of any claim by any person, arising as a result of or in any way connected with the Registrant’s attendance or actions at the Event. 
  4. Liability Excluded for Acts of Terrorism: 
    • The Event Organizer does not cover any individual attending the Event that the Event Organizer’s Client has contracted with the Event Organizer to provide in respect of loss, damage, costs or expenses arising directly or indirectly from terrorism. For the purposes of this exclusion, terrorism means any act including but not limited to the use or threat of force or violence by any person or group(s) of persons, whether acting alone or on behalf of or in connection with any organization(s) or government(s) which from its nature or context is committed for, or in connection with, political, religious, ideological, ethnic or similar purposes or reasons including the intention to influence any government and or to put the public or any section of the public in fear.
    • The Event Organizer does not cover any individual attending the Event that the Client has contracted with the Event Organizers to provide in respect of death, injury, illness, loss, damage, cost or expense of any nature directly or indirectly caused by, resulting from or in connection with, any action taken in controlling, preventing, suppressing or in any way relating to, terrorism as defined. 
  5. Change of itinerary: The Event Organizers reserve the right to modify and/or cancel the program and all related services of the Registrant’s itinerary or booking or part thereof due to circumstances beyond the Event Organizers’ control, but will give the Registrant prompt notification of these changes. The Event Organizers reserve the right to decide the timing and the method of conveying any possible changes that may happen based on the sole discretion of the organizer(s). 
  6. Privacy: I expressly authorize and consent the Event Organizer to disclose my personal data to the data Controller and their approved third parties, and its necessary officers, employees, representatives, distribution partners and their third party service provides (where relevant) for the purposes (where relevant) as contained in the Event Organizer’s Privacy Notice (available at in the event Registration website) which includes, but is not limited to, the registration and administration of the Event.
  7. Passport and Visa:  It is the responsibility of the Registrant to apply with the appropriate consulate to have the Visa and passport (with appropriate validations) to enter the country where the Event is held or any other relevant destination. The Registrant is solely responsible for meeting necessary passport and visa entry requirements. 
  8. Special Requirements: If the Registrant have any special dietary, cultural or health practices, it is the Registrant’s responsibility to inform the Event Organizers of any of these at the time of registration, to ensure these needs can be met during the Event. Whilst it may not be possible to guarantee that the special requirements can be accommodated, every reasonable effort will be made to do so and can only be done with prior advice.
  9. Claims: The Event Organizers will ensure that all services provided throughout the event are according to the itinerary planned forth by the steering committee of the Event, and will only be liable for the refund of any monies paid less the amount of services utilized, administrative and cancellation fees.
    • All claims made against the Event Organizer must be submitted within 7 days after the end of the Event. All disputes, if any, will be subjected to the Singapore Court of Law.
  10. Governing Law: This agreement is governed by the laws in force in the State of Singapore and each party irrevocably and unconditionally submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Singapore courts. The Event Organizers will comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
  11. The Event Registrant Agreement: This Agreement, comprising this document and the above Terms and Conditions, is entered between the Registrant and the Event Organizer. This Agreement governs the Registrant’s attendance at the Event.
    • I have read and understand this Agreement and the above Terms and Conditions.
    • I have read and understand the limitation of liability and indemnity clauses in the Terms and Conditions including as they relate to the Registrant.
    • I understand that the Terms and Conditions form part of this Agreement.
    • I understand that by clicking this box I agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement.
    • I expressly authorise and consent to allow the Event Organizer to provide my contact information, which includes my name, telephone number and email address to the Event Oragnizer Client and its officers, employees, representatives, distribution partners and its third party service provides (where relevant), to send me marketing, advertising and promotional information about their respective products and services sold by or marketed by them via my electronic mail, telephone and/or through social media platforms.
    • I also acknowledge and agree that my consent here does not affect any other consent I may have already given to the Event Organizer, its representatives and distribution partners and their rights at law in respect of my personal data.
    • For any withdrawal of consent, I understand that I shall make my request to the Event Organizer Client who is the data Controller.